Sunday, October 23, 2016

This I Believe

Describe the elements of an ideology that you believe in (i.e., the ideonodes of an ideoplex).  Since the public that reads your blog posts doesn't know the terminology we're learning in this course (ideonodes, etc.), just use ordinary language terms that describe its values and practices. Name at least five or six norms, maxims, icons, or practices you support, and say what kind of ideology they support. This could be the values of the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts you belonged to as a kid, the value system of the sorority or fraternity you now belong to, or the social values you want to adhere to when you leave college and start your own family or join a commune. Title and begin the blog post with the (famous) phrase "This I believe." Make sure that you're not just talking about values, beliefs and opinions, but about the concrete symbols that represent those values, beliefs, and opinions. This is what your instructor will be looking for in assigning points.

One ideology that I suppose describes my major outlook into my career as a writer, teacher, and general person is that of honesty to adolescents and young adults about various issues--basically social liberalism but in terms of issues relevant to their age. For instance, I would acknowledge the existence of LGBT+ individuals, often represented (in some classrooms and offices I've seen) by a sticker of support, likely with the pride rainbow colors (a major symbol).

Another aspect of this includes awareness of diversity and multiculturalism, often represented with a globe and/or different people holding hands. For me, this would mostly include reading, recommending, and writing stories about all different kinds of perspectives, including different races and ethnicities, sexualities, and physical and mental abilities. Furthermore, there's also an emphasis on feminism (represented often with the Rosie the Riveter image). In my case, this would mean writing and recommending stories that challenges gender roles and empowers female characters. All of these aspects would also mean that I treat all of my students equally.

Charity is another example, which is often represented by images of hands. I would probably donate to children's and book-related organizations that help out kids in need.

Lastly, I also try to spread awareness of mental health, which affects more individuals than many people realize. Mental Health Awareness is represented by a green ribbon and it has various maxims like "Stop the Stigma." I want to let my students know that I am there for them and help them find the resources they need, as well as explore some of the ways it has affected me in my own writing.

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