Thursday, October 27, 2016


This will be a great prep exercise before you write your Speech #4 outline. Pick a symbol (Snapchat, Adidas, Selena Gomez, Grand Theft Auto, Uber, Brangelina, etc.)  that you think unconsciously taps into a whole ideoplex of values, and that you think is problematic. Again, since you're writing to publics who don't know our theoretical terminology, use common ordinary language. Do three things in your blog: (1) Describe the symbol you're interested in analyzing. (2) Describe the ideology it supports. (3) Say why you think that ideology is harmful and needs to be challenged.

The symbol I am interested in is analyzing is the Confederate Flag, which represents the Confederate States when they attempted to succeed from America over their right to own slaves, which began the Civil War. As such, there is an association of the flag with racism, white power, and "Southern Pride."

In my opinion, as of many of those with my social views and those from the Northern states, the symbol is problematically entrenched in racism. In the Southern states, however, the symbol is often normalized, even though about 75% of African Americans living in the South find it a symbol of racism. It has even been used by white supremacists groups, after all. This is an ideology that glorifies "protecting" America from those who aren't white and returning to a time where they did not have to confront their racist values. The notion of "The South Will Rise Again" indicates more of a threat to our current system of government and rights than it does instill an arbitrary pride for living in the south.

Meanwhile, insisting just the flag just is a symbol of the south ignores its problematic history. There have even been cases with teenagers who pose with the flag and have a completely warped view of the history behind it. I believe we need to challenge our perceptions of items we view with serious nostalgia because otherwise we will be unable to make progress as a society.

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