Friday, November 11, 2016

Commencement Speech

You are giving a speech before the entire IU graduating class at commencement. Your theme is the future of the graduating class after graduation. Write the first paragraph of your speech. Compose a full paragraph that is meant to be spoken (rather than just read). Somewhere in the paragraph, use a periodic sentence, a running sentence, and a sentence using the plain style. Your instructor will look for all three. Start your blog this way: "If I gave the commencement speech at my graduation, this is how I would start:..."

If I gave the commencement speech at my graduation, this is how I would start:

This is the day. The day which we have dressed up, posed for pictures, fastened our robes, pinned our caps, arranged our tassels, lined up alphabetically, waited patiently--all for this moment. We've spent years working hard on our degrees, but I would first like to reflect a little more on academics. I'd like to reflect on our experience as Hoosiers, from football and basketball games to trying new food on Kirkwood and Fourth Street, to experiencing the arts and interesting speakers at the Auditorium to dancing for the kids of Riley Hospital for 36 hours to the Little 500 and more. Today, we leave with a wealth of new experiences and knowledge afforded to us by Indiana University in the wonderful city of Bloomington.

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